The Weight of Power

The Weight of Power

One of the most important leadership lessons I learned in seminary was to pay attention to power: to recognize who has formal and informal power in a church system or organization and who doesn’t. It’s not always who you might expect! However, I’ve been surprised to...
Creating a Culture Where People Can Grow

Creating a Culture Where People Can Grow

I started making sourdough (ahem) before it was cool and I was shocked by how simple it is. To make a great loaf of sourdough, all you need is flour, water, and salt. However, you can’t just lump those ingredients together in a bowl and expect something edible to...
Gen-Z and the Crisis of Identity

Gen-Z and the Crisis of Identity

Born between 1995 and 2012, Gen-Z are the first generation to grow up with the smartphone. They are deeply passionate about justice, equality, and social responsibility. They share these concerns with millennials but unlike the previous generation, Gen-Z are willing...
Hospitality Is Openness to God’s Interruptions

Hospitality Is Openness to God’s Interruptions

A few years ago, I attended a conference on Christian hospitality and was shocked by things that, in retrospect, shouldn’t have surprised me. Being a male, I was part of a tiny minority at the conference. The lectures were full of good advice—practical, theoretical,...

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