About Us
An alliance for the
unity, faithfulness, and flourishing of the PCA.

The Alliance for Mission & Renewal exists to help foster a unified, faithful, and flourishing PCA. We are an organization dedicated to assisting and encouraging churches, ministry leaders, and all of our PCA sisters and brothers in the work of communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our current cultural moment. We will celebrate and share stories of the beautiful ways God is working in and through our denomination.
The informal mission of the PCA is to be faithful to the Scriptures, true to the Reformed faith, and obedient to the Great Commission. We affirm this big-tent vision of the PCA’s founders and aspire to continue to work this out in our day. We labor toward a denomination characterized by:
- Firmly standing on the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Scriptures
- Boldly proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people in all places
- Faithfully holding in good faith our confessional standards
- Humbly recognizing our doxological diversity as critical to our mission
- Earnestly welcoming, valuing, and co-laboring with our sisters in Christ as they serve the Savior
- Joyfully embracing connection with the global Church
- Gratefully deploying the treasures of our Reformed theological tradition
- And purposefully focusing on making new disciples so we maintain and proclaim a visible and viable witness to the Gospel
Each of these characteristics keeps with the original vision of the PCA and is critical to its future fruitfulness. The Alliance rejoices in the treasures of our Reformed tradition and seeks to walk forward on a path marked by effective Gospel witness in our society.
“Please help us to establish the AMR. We believe it will not only enable the PCA to be true to its roots, but that it will encourage many many people as well.”
– Tim Keller
Founding Board Member of AMR